
  1. 3. good that go out
  2. 4. and Demand the things that control a market economy
  3. 6. person who start a business
  4. 7. give money to a business to help them make more exports
  5. 10. another word for money
  6. 12. Economy every country has this type of economy
  7. 13. North America Free Trade Agreement
  8. 15. Economy Prices are controlled by the government
  9. 16. goods a factor of economic growth, technology
  10. 18. another word for trade
  1. 1. sets a limit on the amount of imports coming in
  2. 2. goods that come in
  3. 3. stop trade completely with a country
  4. 5. Economy Use bartering as currency
  5. 7. regulation that you put on imports
  6. 8. Gross Domestic Product
  7. 9. Capital a combination of education, experience, health. (hint: labor)
  8. 11. Resources a factor of economic growth, come from nature
  9. 14. Economy supply and demand control the prices in this economy
  10. 17. t for tax, t for.....