Education in Ancient Greece

  1. 3. Methods of teaching which cater to the student's needs
  2. 4. Forms a connection between the student and the teacher through discussions
  3. 5. Ancient "notebooks" were made of this...
  4. 8. Students were to be well-rounded citizens of this...
  5. 9. Enslaved man who keeps students in check
  6. 11. This school is famous for its incredible lectures
  7. 14. Greek instructors of physical education
  8. 16. The gender of the ideal student
  1. 1. Meaning the wise and healthy man
  2. 2. A Greek or non-Greek immigrant
  3. 6. He tutored Alexander the Great
  4. 7. The secondary level of school
  5. 10. Tool used for simple arithmetic
  6. 12. The minimum age of graduation
  7. 13. Women in Sparta were the "back-up"...
  8. 15. Creator of "The Iliad"