education (intermediate)

  1. 1. to spend time learning about something.
  2. 4. person who has a university degree.
  3. 5. to officially make somebody leave school because they have done something wrong
  4. 8. to look after a child and teach them how to behave.It's usually done by parents I family member.
  5. 12. ________________ is run by the government and is usually free. Private You have to pay to go to a ________________ school.
  6. 14. person who studies at university or college.
  7. 17. to teach somebody at school I university.
  8. 19. the result of a test or exam, given as a letter.
  9. 20. the result of a test or exam, given as a number.
  10. 21. a school for children aged between 11-16 years in the UK.
  1. 2. a place where you can study for a degree or do research.
  2. 3. school where pupils eat, sleep, live, and study
  3. 6. to make someone suffer because t hey've done something bad or wrong.
  4. 7. a school for children aged between 4-11 years in the UK.
  5. 9. a school for both boys and girls.
  6. 10. ________________ subject is one you have to study.
  7. 11. a person who is in charge of a school.
  8. 13. ________________ subject is one that you can choose to study or not.
  9. 14. are the two periods that the school I college year is divided into, especially in the USA.
  10. 15. to achieve the required standard in an exam or test.
  11. 16. to get knowledge or a skill.
  12. 18. one of the three periods of the year during which classes are held in schools, universities.