
  1. 7. Quickly.
  2. 9. This happens when your final grades aren't sufficient to go to the next grade.
  3. 10. Another word for mandatory.
  4. 12. Subject that teaches you about the earth.
  5. 13. Combination of chemistry and physics.
  6. 14. When your mark is not sufficient.
  7. 15. Another way to say you have the day off.
  8. 16. To allow.
  9. 17. From another country.
  10. 19. Third of a schoolyear.
  1. 1. Opposite of easy.
  2. 2. Schedule of all your classes.
  3. 3. You get one after graduation.
  4. 4. School for toddlers.
  5. 5. Combination of schools.
  6. 6. First language.
  7. 8. Specific type of pen.
  8. 10. Another word for smart.
  9. 11. The grade you get when you pass a test.
  10. 18. Scholarship for college.