Educational Acronyms Cross Word Puzzle

  1. 6. (ODD) __________________Defiance Disorder
  2. 7. (ED) __________________Disabled
  3. 8. (ISS) In- School __________________
  4. 11. (IEP) __________________Education Program
  5. 13. (FAFSA) Free __________________for Federal Student Aid
  6. 17. (ADA) Americans with __________________Act
  7. 19. (ASL) American __________________Language
  8. 20. (KWL) __________________, Wonder, Learned
  9. 21. (PTA) __________________ Teacher Association
  10. 24. (SLO) Student Learning ________________
  11. 26. (ADD)__________________Deficit Disorder
  12. 27. (AFT) American Federation of __________________
  13. 29. (FAPE) __________________and Appropriate Public Education
  14. 30. (PPW) _________________ Personnel Worker
  15. 31. (LRE) Least __________________Environment
  16. 35. (BD) __________________disorder
  17. 40. (IDEA) Individuals with __________________Education Act
  18. 41. (DD) __________________Disabled
  19. 43. (STEM) Science, Technology, ________________ and Math
  20. 47. (LEP) Limited English _________________
  21. 48. (LD) __________________Disability
  22. 51. (ESSA) __________________and Secondary Schools Act
  23. 52. (OHI) Other __________________Impairment
  24. 55. (LMS) Learning__________________System
  25. 57. (SEL) Social __________________ Learning
  1. 1. (AFSCME) American __________________ of State, County and Municipal employees
  2. 2. (PLC) Professional Learning _________________
  3. 3. (OSS) Out of School __________________
  4. 4. (NCLB) No Child Left __________________
  5. 5. (ESL) English as a __________________Language
  6. 9. (RTI) __________________ to Intervention
  7. 10. (IB) International __________________
  8. 12. (NEA) __________________ Education Association
  9. 14. (GPA) Grade __________________Average
  10. 15. (SPA) School Performance and ______________
  11. 16. (BIP) Behavior __________________ Plan
  12. 18. (SLD) _________________ Learning Disability
  13. 22. (BMP) Behavior _________________Plan
  14. 23. (OCD) Obsessive __________________ Disorder
  15. 25. (SPED) Special ________________
  16. 28. (RCE) Rich Content __________________
  17. 32. (ILA) __________________Language Arts
  18. 33. (FARM) Free and Reduced Priced School __________________
  19. 34. (SRO) School Resource ________________
  20. 36. (AP) __________________Placement
  21. 37. Profressional _________________
  22. 38. (FERPA) __________________Educational Rights and Privacy Act
  23. 39. (HI) __________________Impaired
  24. 42. (ELL) English Language __________________
  25. 44. (ESY) __________________School Year
  26. 45. (BOE) __________________of Education
  27. 46. (GED) General Education __________________
  28. 49. (PBIS) Positive Behavioral __________________ and Supports
  29. 50. (CTE) __________________and Technical Education
  30. 53. (SAT) Scholastic __________________ Test
  31. 54. (BYOD) Bring Your Own __________________
  32. 56. (LEA) Local Education _________________