educational research

  1. 1. Preferring the most simple theory that works
  2. 3. A researcher who focuses on testing theories and hypotheses using quantitative data to see if they are confirmed or not
  3. 6. Group- and society-level factors
  4. 9. The philosophical idea that reason is the primary source of knowledge
  5. 10. Stating what is likely to occur, not what will necessarily occur
  6. 11. A set of published research studies on a particular topic
  7. 16. The theory of knowledge and its justification; the branch of philosophy dealing with knowledge and its justification
  8. 17. A bottom-up or theory-generation approach to research
  9. 18. Attempting to generate ideas about phenomena
  10. 21. Attempting to apply research to make certain outcomes occur
  11. 26. Attempting to predict or forecast a phenomenon
  12. 27. Evaluation focused on improving the evaluation object
  13. 28. Research aimed at generating fundamental knowledge and theoretical understanding about basic human and other natural processes
  14. 32. Determining the worth, merit, or quality of an evaluation object
  15. 33. Attempting to describe the characteristics of a phenomenon
  16. 34. Applied research focused on solving practitioners’ local problems
  17. 36. The process of drawing a conclusion that is “probably” true
  18. 37. Evaluation focused on determining the overall effectiveness and usefulness of the evaluation object
  1. 2. The philosophical idea that empirical research provides evidence, not proof
  2. 4. Factors relating individuals to other individuals and to social groups
  3. 5. Research focused on answering practical questions to provide relatively immediate solutions
  4. 7. explicitly done for the purpose of advancing an ideological position or orientation
  5. 8. Individual-level factors or variables
  6. 12. objective of educational research that attempts to understand the subjective viewpoints
  7. 13. top-down or theory-testing approach to research
  8. 14. The future might not resemble the past
  9. 15. A prediction or educated guess
  10. 19. A statement based on observation, experiment, or experience
  11. 20. explanation or explanatory system that discusses how a phenomenon operates and why it operates as it does
  12. 22. process of drawing a conclusion that is necessarily true if the premises
  13. 23. Research examining the same variables with different people
  14. 24. property that statements and theories should be testable and refutable
  15. 25. A top-down or theory-testing approach to research
  16. 29. A summary of what is in an article; a brief description of the essential characteristics of the study
  17. 30. A researcher who focuses on exploration, description, and understanding of subjective meanings and sometimes the generation and construction of theories using qualitative data
  18. 31. Attempting to show how and why a phenomenon operates as it does
  19. 35. The idea that knowledge comes from experience