- 3. what is the third planet from the sun?
- 7. flies
- 8. is used to draw
- 12. has a trunk
- 14. is the favourite car
- 17. what is the hottest planet in the solar system?
- 18. is the fastest moving bike
- 19. is the luxurias car
- 20. what is the smallest planet in the solar system?
- 1. August Independence day is celebrated
- 2. rotates for air
- 4. is the national animal
- 5. what is the largest planet in the solar system?
- 6. is the national bird
- 9. the chemical element uranium was named after what planet?
- 10. the sixth planet from the sun features an expensive ringsystem?
- 11. is the Costly phone
- 13. the king of jungle
- 15. what planet in the solar system is farthest from the sun?
- 16. what planet is nick named red planet?