Effects of Technology

  1. 3. As technology develops, staff need to know how to use it. So they are ......... (9)
  2. 4. As technology allows us to do our work much faster and efficiently, there is more (12)
  3. 5. Designers use this instead of pencil, paperor drawing board (11)
  4. 6. Maximise output with least input (10)
  5. 8. Technology creates ... .............. (two words 3,13)
  6. 9. Staff members can now work by phone rather than being in a brach, in front of a computer (two words 9,7)
  7. 10. Computers remove the need for huge quantities of paper-work (Three words 4,5,4)
  8. 11. The Internet means that companies can share data or even hold meetings in different countries without actually leaving the office (12)
  9. 14. Data can be stored, processed and searched extremely fast (5)
  10. 15. Positive views and effects of technology (7)
  11. 16. Many electrical items, such as mobile phones, video cameras, laptops have been __ due to development in technology (12)
  1. 1. As technology can do the work of people, it results in ............ (12)
  2. 2. Secretaries now use this instead of the classic typewriters (two words 4,9)
  3. 7. Documents that are available on the computer through the the internet, anytime and anywhere (two words 10,13)
  4. 10. Computers can do the work of many people which saves expenses in wages (two words 4,7)
  5. 12. Vast quantities of data can be stored in small amounts of space (6)
  6. 13. Negative view and impacts of technology (9)