Mythological monsters

  1. 3. A fire-breathing giant serpent that guarded the Golden Fleece.
  2. 6. This monster has only one eye
  3. 7. Their singing lured sailors to their death!
  4. 9. When you cut off one of its many heads another one grows in its place!
  5. 10. This creature has the face of a woman, the body of a lion and loves riddles.
  1. 1. This three-headed giant dog guards the doors to Hades!
  2. 2. A monster that looked like a man but had a bull's head and its strength.
  3. 4. They were human-like but huge in size and irresistible in strength.
  4. 5. She haunted the rocks of a narrow strait opposite the whirlpool of another terrible monster.
  5. 6. This creature is half man and half horse.
  6. 7. This creature has a lion's body, bird's wings and a female head. she kills and eats those who cannot answer her riddle.
  7. 8. Her gaze can turn you into stone!