EGP Work

  1. 3. the way the writer organizes the writing to develop a point or provide information
  2. 5. a point of view or opinion about a problem, situation, or issue
  3. 7. the underlying emotion pronounced by a word or phrase
  4. 8. tending to annoy or cause ill will; overly aggressive
  5. 11. feeling, exhibiting, or characterized, by reverence
  6. 13. exposing human folly to ridicule
  7. 14. using or showing judgement as to action or practical expediency
  8. 16. of, relating to, or characteristic of conversation:
  9. 18. not reverent; manifesting or characterized by irreverence; deficient in veneration or respect
  10. 19. showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority
  1. 1. a word or phrase used to limit the meaning of a word
  2. 2. directly related to the issue being discussed
  3. 4. to draw conclusions from the evidence given
  4. 6. full of or showing disdain; scornful.
  5. 7. haughty, disdainful, or supercilious:
  6. 9. words or phrases that connect one idea to another
  7. 10. frank; outspoken; open and sincere
  8. 12. a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition
  9. 15. feeling or expressing extreme annoyance or irritation
  10. 17. of or relating to a practical point of view or practical considerations.