Egyptian gods

  1. 3. associated withe Nile river
  2. 4. affiliated with cats
  3. 7. associated with the wind and sunlight
  4. 8. is often associated with the sun
  5. 10. known as the god of dwarfs
  6. 11. said to be a creator god
  7. 12. depicted as having a head dress of a house
  8. 14. associated with water
  9. 15. the mother goddess
  10. 18. god of the moon
  11. 19. the god of fertility
  1. 1. was represented as an warrior
  2. 2. the go of the earth
  3. 3. known as the god of chaos
  4. 5. often known as the protector of graves
  5. 6. the goddess of harmony
  6. 9. depicted as a beetle
  7. 13. depicted as a cow
  8. 16. god of the sky
  9. 17. known as the god of wisdom
  10. 20. was often referred to as the goddess of human life