- 2. God of mummification and the afterlife, depicted with the head of a jackal.
- 5. Goddess of the sky and heavens, depicted as a woman arched over the earth.
- 6. Goddess of war, destruction, and healing.
- 7. A type of beetle associated with resurrection and the sun god Ra.
- 9. Goddess of motherhood, magic, and fertility.
- 10. Monumental structure used as tombs for pharaohs and other royalty.
- 11. Goddess of love, joy, and beauty.
- 13. God of creation, wind, and fertility, often associated with the pharaoh.
- 15. God of wisdom, writing, and knowledge.
- 16. God of the sky, kingship, and protection.
- 1. God of the afterlife, resurrection, and fertility.
- 3. Preserved body of a deceased person, often prepared for the afterlife.
- 4. God of the earth, often depicted lying beneath Nut, the sky goddess.
- 6. Mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human or animal.
- 8. Goddess of home, fertility, and protector of the pharaoh.
- 10. Title of the ancient Egyptian rulers, considered divine kings.
- 12. An ancient Egyptian symbol of life and immortality, resembling a cross with a loop at the top.
- 14. God of the Nile, depicted as a crocodile or man with a crocodile head.
- 17. Sun god and one of the most important deities in Egyptian mythology.
- 18. God of chaos, desert storms, and foreigners.