EI 2024

  1. 4. An international financial mechanism aimed at helping developing countries mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts
  2. 6. A hypothetical mechanism wherein increased temperatures enhance carbon sequestration in certain ecosystems, stabilizing global warming
  3. 8. The scientific study of tree rings used to analyze historical climate patterns
  4. 10. The concept of balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability to meet current needs without compromising future generations
  5. 11. The term for irreversible tipping points in climate systems that may result from minor increases in global temperature
  6. 12. A process by which ecosystems transition to a different state following a threshold disturbance, often irreversible due to climate shifts
  7. 16. A land-use strategy that integrates trees into agricultural systems to enhance biodiversity and carbon sequestration
  8. 17. A term describing the deliberate intervention in the Earth's climate system to counteract anthropogenic climate change
  9. 19. The oceanic process by which carbon is transferred from the surface to deep waters, playing a key role in carbon sequestration
  10. 20. The process by which nutrient-rich water rises to the ocean surface, often disrupted by warming seas, affecting marine biodiversity
  11. 21. The long-term phenomenon of sea levels rising due to thermal expansion and ice melt
  12. 24. (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) The proposal to financially reward developing countries for conserving their forests and reducing deforestation
  13. 26. A geoengineering proposal involving the injection of aerosols into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight
  14. 27. The name for a feedback cycle in which ice melting reduces albedo, accelerating further ice melt and warming
  15. 28. A non-linear interaction between environmental and economic systems that could potentially drive sudden, drastic climate changes
  16. 29. The term for the socially equitable distribution of the costs and benefits of climate action across nations and populations
  17. 30. A type of heatwave exacerbated by high humidity, creating dangerous conditions even at lower temperatures
  1. 1. An agreement mandating a reduction of global hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) emissions, signed as an amendment to a major environmental treaty
  2. 2. The form of agriculture in which natural ecosystems are restored to improve land productivity and resilience to climate change
  3. 3. The slow-motion disaster caused by gradual sea-level rise, salinization, and extreme weather, leading to forced migration
  4. 5. The term for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology that sequesters emissions directly from industrial sources
  5. 7. The practice of adjusting farming methods in response to local climate changes to ensure food security
  6. 9. The anthropogenic process by which particulate matter affects cloud formation and the Earth’s energy balance
  7. 13. A reduction strategy that focuses on both removing atmospheric CO₂ and reducing new emissions to achieve a net-zero state
  8. 14. A complex climate interaction pattern, affecting weather across the Pacific, known for causing extreme events like droughts and floods
  9. 15. The process of converting CO₂ into a mineralized form for permanent storage in geological formations
  10. 18. A global effort to manage and conserve transboundary biodiversity to maintain ecosystem services and reduce climate risks
  11. 22. The scientific principle explaining why gases like CO₂ absorb infrared radiation more effectively than other atmospheric constituents
  12. 23. An approach to economics that seeks to account for environmental degradation in national economic indicators
  13. 25. The thermodynamic measure of the potential for atmospheric water vapor to contribute to heat retention