EKG Recognition

  1. 1. this rhythm has inverted or absent p waves
  2. 5. inappropriate spikes on complexes
  3. 8. early upright p-wave that looks different from other p waves
  4. 9. pauses lasting > 3 seconds
  5. 11. This rhythm has no pulse
  6. 12. pacemaker spike with no complex following
  7. 14. distinction between left/right bundle branch block
  8. 15. block with consistent prolonged PRI >0.20
  1. 2. heart rate greater than 100BPM
  2. 3. atria and ventricles are firing independently of each other
  3. 4. twisting of the points
  4. 6. with rvr afib with rate >100bpm
  5. 7. vtach lasting >30 seconds
  6. 10. heart rate less than 60BPM
  7. 13. spike followed by p-wave and QRS Complex
  8. 14. lethal rhythm that can look fine or coarse