El Camino de Santiago (Unit 23)

  1. 2. ir s/he wants to go
  2. 3. amigos quieren ir al cine para ver una película de horror. My friends want to go to the cinema to see a horror movie.
  3. 4. it seems
  4. 5. s/he follows
  5. 7. they follow
  6. 11. to follow, to continue
  7. 13. las maletas to pack suitcases
  8. 14. quién se queda el perro? With whom will the dog stay?
  9. 15. I follow/continue
  10. 18. strangers
  11. 20. niña se queda en casa porque no quiere ir a la escuela. The girl stays at home because she doesn't want to go to school.
  12. 21. queda s/he stays
  1. 1. quedas you stay
  2. 2. ir you want to go
  3. 3. quedo I stay
  4. 6. ir I want to go
  5. 8. familia se queda en casa durante el huracán. My family stays at home during the hurricane.
  6. 9. policía sigue al criminal. The police follow(s) the criminal.
  7. 10. we follow
  8. 12. to recover
  9. 16. quiero hablar I don't want to talk
  10. 17. estudiantes siguen a su maestro. The students follow their teacher.
  11. 19. things