ELA 504

  1. 1. American inventor that took ideas from others; a noisy boy
  2. 5. jar something to put jam in; when a door is not a door
  3. 8. a Chinese staple food rearranged
  4. 11. unpopulated continent; married to Uncle Tarctica
  5. 12. the only room you cannot enter
  6. 16. many of these at the ends of my arms; just like my teacher
  7. 17. a large hole in the ground; look at silver in Chinese
  8. 18. a questions word; three girls in our class
  1. 2. dry area you don't eat after dinner
  2. 3. a small body of water; sounds like Hanna
  3. 4. summer weather; sounds like Dora
  4. 6. Chinese money; a girl in the class
  5. 7. youthful; sounds like a Chinese name
  6. 9. orange and sounds like a parrot
  7. 10. this number is more than you want
  8. 13. unmarried woman who is always wrong
  9. 14. inclement weather; Catherine
  10. 15. a group of individuals; the first word of your country