ELA 7 Sort 30

  1. 3. "During the geography lesson, we discovered that our country likes to _ spices from other countries to add different flavors."
  2. 4. "In _, looking back on the camping trip, we realized how important it was to bring enough snacks for everyone."
  3. 7. "The circus was a dazzling _ with clowns, tightrope walkers, and colorful animals."
  4. 8. see, look
  5. 9. "To maintain order in the classroom, everyone was expected to _ to the rules, ensuring a respectful and focused learning environment."
  6. 12. "The farmers were proud to _ their locally grown fruits and vegetables to neighboring towns."
  7. 14. "The teacher explained the _ for writing a friendly letter, including the greeting, body, and closing."
  8. 16. "The school decided to _ the cafeteria menu, introducing healthier options to promote better eating habits."
  9. 17. "Reading a story from the _ of the main character allows us to understand their feelings and thoughts."
  10. 18. "When studying history, we explore different _ of a time period, such as the daily life of people and famous events."
  1. 1. "After practicing for weeks, the soccer team had a positive _ for winning the championship."
  2. 2. "During the school assembly, students lined up in a neat _ to march into the auditorium for a special presentation."
  3. 5. "In group projects, classmates offer _ by working together and helping each other understand the material."
  4. 6. "With a few simple ingredients, we can _ ordinary pancake batter into delicious waffles, creating a tasty breakfast treat."
  5. 10. form, shape
  6. 11. "The small, _ radio made it easy for us to carry to the park for a picnic."
  7. 13. carry, bring
  8. 15. "The school bus will _ students to school and back home every day."