  1. 5. a fact given in number form is called a...
  2. 6. another form of support for an author's claim is called a...
  3. 8. a specific instance that illustrates a general idea is called a...
  4. 10. a brief account of an that can be used to illustrate a point is called a...
  5. 13. when conclusions drawn from to little evidence it is called a...
  6. 14. a statement that is given as support but is really an error in reasoning is called a...
  7. 16. something that can be used to persuade is called a...
  1. 1. when you support a statement by repeating it in different words.
  2. 2. makes the mistake of assuming that because one thing happened after another thing the first caused the second one to occur is that definition of...
  3. 3. the material that proves it with reasons and evidence is called...
  4. 4. suggest that there are only two choices available in a situation that really offers more than two options is called a ...
  5. 7. the documented records of someone's comments about a topic is called a...
  6. 9. a general principle on which most people can agree is called a...
  7. 11. the attempt to discredit an idea by attacking the person or group behind it is called a...
  8. 12. a statement that can be proved true is called a...
  9. 15. what is the author's main point about an issue called?