  1. 2. make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose
  2. 3. not having or showing good manners
  3. 4. a set of clothes in a style typical
  4. 9. in a deliberate and positive way.
  5. 10. to cause one to become interested in something
  6. 12. the scenery or ground behind something
  7. 13. with little possibility of move
  8. 14. wished for as being an attractiv
  9. 15. an annual festival typically
  1. 1. to be related to a particular subject
  2. 5. unusual; not typical
  3. 6. a person, typically one more remote than grandparentfrom whom one is descended.
  4. 7. To integrate someone
  5. 8. which means working with sales, marketing, manufacturing and finance
  6. 11. a public officer appointed to decide cases in a law
  7. 13. refuse to allow (something