ELA vocabulary

  1. 3. to overthrow
  2. 5. energetic
  3. 10. insolently rude; uncivil
  4. 11. not false; genuine
  5. 13. to deprive of human qualities
  6. 14. separated
  7. 15. to put an end to something
  8. 16. almighty; infinite power
  1. 1. to reecho or resound
  2. 2. the power/right to act by ones judgement
  3. 4. lacking power or ability
  4. 5. to take away a part
  5. 6. deserving/causing hatred
  6. 7. lack of usual comforts or necessaries
  7. 8. to recall to mind
  8. 9. a plentiful supply
  9. 12. language or vocabulary of a certain group