  1. 2. main idea of story
  2. 4. what you believe
  3. 5. a character speaking
  4. 9. end of a story
  5. 11. struggle between characters
  6. 13. yes,...however
  7. 15. using someone else's work as your own
  8. 17. written to entertain reader
  9. 19. Beginning of a story
  1. 1. highest point of the story
  2. 2. lesson story teaches
  3. 3. sequence of a story
  4. 6. dictionary for the book
  5. 7. main purpose to inform reader
  6. 8. affix that is in every word
  7. 10. where and when of story
  8. 12. describes a picture
  9. 14. retelling of main points
  10. 16. means exactly as written
  11. 18. find specific words in a book by page numbers