
  1. 2. A type of writing in which words arechosen and aranged to create a strong feeling, message, or image thorough meaning sound and rhythm.
  2. 5. Repeating words or linesto reinforce meaning or theme.
  3. 7. Repetition of accented vowel sound.
  4. 8. Single word, sentence, part of sentence.
  5. 9. Musical quality created by the accented and unaccented syllables.
  6. 10. Comparison that doesn't use like or as.
  7. 11. Groups of lines set apart by spaces, like a paragraph.
  8. 12. Regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
  1. 1. Repetition of words.
  2. 3. What a poem looks like.
  3. 4. Words that sound like their meaning.
  4. 6. Writing that uses sentence.
  5. 11. Comparison that uses the words "like" or "as.