  1. 1. Comparing two things without using like or as
  2. 3. When a character remembers something
  3. 5. Something that gives insight on the future of the book
  4. 7. The opposite of static
  5. 9. When a character stays the same throughout the story
  6. 11. A reference
  7. 14. when an animal or thing has human traits
  8. 15. A huge exaggeration
  1. 2. When something is repeated over and over
  2. 4. When all the characters are introduced, the beginning
  3. 5. Memories in the middle of a story
  4. 6. When an older character gives a younger character advice
  5. 8. Remembering something
  6. 10. The most intense part of the story
  7. 12. Comparing two things using like or as
  8. 13. The lessen of a story