- 3. The Seamster
- 4. Of the Haligtree
- 8. First Elden Lord
- 12. Dragonlord
- 13. the All-Knowing
- 15. The Witch
- 18. The Impaler
- 19. Warrior Jar
- 20. Lord of Blood
- 22. Deathbed Companion
- 23. Lord of Blasphemy
- 25. Litchdragon
- 26. The Black Blade
- 27. Plays the role of maiden
- 28. Starscourge
- 29. The Rotting
- 1. The Grafted
- 2. Blade of --------. Shall never know defeat
- 5. Apostle/Noble
- 6. The Half-Wolf
- 7. The Eternal
- 8. Beast Cleargyman
- 9. The Loathsome
- 10. WARRIOR!
- 11. Ever-Brilliant
- 14. Queen of the Full moon
- 16. Of the Golden Order
- 17. The Omen King
- 21. The Golden
- 24. Sorceress
- 26. The Fell Omen