electric cars

  1. 1. a device for giving more power to a machine such as a mobile phone
  2. 3. the parts of a car that stop the wheels from moving when a pedal is pushed
  3. 4. emission a vehicle does not produce any pollution
  4. 6. a car does not use much petrol
  5. 8. point a place where you can plug in your electric car to give it more power
  6. 10. the four round parts of a car that turn around and that a car travels on
  7. 11. the front part of a car that covers the engine
  1. 1. it produces no carbon
  2. 2. energy power produced by water, the wind or the sun
  3. 5. atype of car that uses both fuel(petrol|diesel)and electric power
  4. 7. the number of miles a car can travel based on the amount of fuel you put in it
  5. 9. a network of wires and cables through which sources of power such as electricity are distributed