Electrical crossword

  1. 3. A device that gives DC electrical energy from chemicals.
  2. 5. Something that replenishes a battery's energy.
  3. 6. EMF and potential difference is measured in
  4. 7. Device for stepping voltages up or down.
  5. 8. External coating used in buried pipeline.
  6. 9. Steel 48 inch pipeline MOC
  7. 13. Something you get when touching high voltage
  8. 14. What current is measured in
  9. 16. Something that is bad at passing a current.
  1. 1. The bit that remains stationary in a motor
  2. 2. Corrosion is an ___________ Phenomenon.
  3. 4. Hertz is the unit of ______.
  4. 10. Full wave or half wave device to change AC to DC
  5. 11. A resistor that reacts to heat.
  6. 12. Popular brand of insulation tester.
  7. 15. The wire melts to protect you.
  8. 17. Unit of resistance