Electrical Engineering

  1. 1. Amount of pressure behind the flow of electrons.
  2. 6. Simple symbols used to represent electrical parts.
  3. 7. Movement of electrons.
  4. 8. Meter that is used to measure resistance.
  5. 11. Material with conductive capabilities between that of conductors and insulators. Silicon is the most common semiconductor.
  6. 15. Device that uses magnetism to change electrical energy to mechanical energy.
  7. 16. Component that limits current flow to one direction. Can be used as rectifiers to change ac to pulsating dc.
  8. 17. Excess of charge on the surface of an object.
  9. 19. Electrically charged atom.
  10. 21. Current flow where polarity is constantly changing.
  11. 23. Electrical connection of two or more cells.
  12. 24. Circuits with only one path for current to flow from the power source through the circuit and back to the power source.
  13. 28. Microscopic building block of matter, made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons.
  14. 31. Component that creates an electrical signal based on environmental conditions. Can be used to monitor things like temperature and light.
  15. 33. Tool used to test if there is a complete path between two points.
  16. 37. Device that generates electricity through chemical action. In biology, it is the structural and functional units of all living things.
  17. 38. Measure of electrons per unit time.
  18. 40. To systematically search for the cause of a failure.
  19. 41. Law that defines the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance.
  20. 44. Atom’s outer ring of electrons.
  21. 46. The opposition to current flow.
  22. 47. Basic sketch of circuitry showing schematic symbols for parts and lines to represent conductors.
  23. 48. Meter that is used to measure voltage.
  1. 2. Electrical test device whose screen can show the exact shape of a wave and, therefore, any possible distortion. It can measure voltage, frequency, pulses, and the timing of multiple signals.
  2. 3. Meter that is used to measure current.
  3. 4. Fuel-efficient car that uses an internal combustion engine combined with an electric motor and batteries.
  4. 5. Measure of the amount of electricity. One coulomb is equal to 6,240,000,000,000,000,000 (6.24 × 1018) electrons.
  5. 7. Design and construction of electrical and electronic systems, components, and devices.
  6. 9. Circuits that have more than one load and multiple paths for current flow.
  7. 10. Base unit of voltage.
  8. 12. Current flow in one direction, where polarity never changes.
  9. 13. Electrical component used to limit current flow and divide voltage.
  10. 14. Rate at which work is done or energy is transmitted; the amount of work done based on a period of time.
  11. 18. Law that states that power equals effort multiplied by rate.
  12. 20. Subatomic particle with a neutral charge.
  13. 22. Device that produces electricity by changing mechanical energy to electrical energy through the use of magnets.
  14. 25. Resistor whose resistance can be changed, usually by rotating a knob or sliding a switch.
  15. 26. Unit of electrical power.
  16. 27. Material with a very high resistance that does not allow current to flow.
  17. 29. Material with low resistance that easily passes electrons from one atom to another.
  18. 30. Device used as a solid state switch or amplifier.
  19. 32. Negatively charged subatomic particle.
  20. 33. Component that consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulator called a dielectric. Can store an electrical charge on their plates.
  21. 34. Electrical device used to open and close circuits or redirect current from one circuit to another.
  22. 35. Positive or negative condition at the power supply terminal.
  23. 36. Subatomic particle with a positive charge.
  24. 39. Cell that uses light to produce electricity.
  25. 42. Solid conductor through which electricity enters or leaves a medium.
  26. 43. Rigid piece of insulation (typically fiberglass) is used as a platform for circuitry. Thin copper tracks are laid on the fiberglass and electronic components are soldered to the track. Commonly known as a PCB (printed circuit board).
  27. 45. Base unit of measurement of resistance.