electrical engineering

  1. 2. IEEE 802.16
  2. 6. type of microwave amplifier can also be used as an oscillator [two words]
  3. 7. software developed by Australian computer scientist Martin Dougiamas
  4. 9. with ethics may don one of these [two words]
  5. 12. OS
  6. 13. negative-feedback circuit used in high-quality audio amplifiers
  7. 15. of measuring voltage, current, and resistance [three words]
  8. 16. can be calculated by dividing a transmitted file’s size by the amount of time it takes to transfer the file
  9. 17. bit makes a difference [two words]
  1. 1. open-community workspace [two words]
  2. 3. switched-mode power supply converter
  3. 4. type of data-management language [two words]
  4. 5. applied to a flash memory, this technique can level out the amount of writes to any given memory block across the entire memory chip [two words]
  5. 8. free, open source, and embedded
  6. 10. communication standard [three words]
  7. 11. grouping method [two words]
  8. 14. command that creates a microsecond-based delay
  9. 16. second “E” in EEPROM