
  1. 4. The phasor addition of a purely capacitive and what type of inductive circuit produce 180 degrees.
  2. 7. Of what does an inductor oppose a change.
  3. 8. What does a capacitor correct.
  4. 10. The number of cycles in a second.
  5. 11. In a series circuit, how are voltage drops added?
  6. 13. A phasor shows direction and what other quantity?
  7. 16. In industry, what is generally used to improve p.f.
  8. 17. A practical inductor has inductance and what other factor.
  9. 18. In what form is power dissipated in a resistor
  10. 19. What is the reference in a parallel circuit.
  11. 21. Relationship between the supply voltage and voltage across inductive leg of circuit.
  1. 1. In what practical circuit is the phase angle less than 90 degrees
  2. 2. What loss is lower in an inductor than a resistor.
  3. 3. What is the longest side of a right angled triangle.
  4. 5. In a parallel circuit the p.f is between total current and which voltage.
  5. 6. Relationship between inductive reactance and frequency
  6. 9. Which is smaller,micro or milli?
  7. 12. The voltage displayed on a motor name plate.
  8. 14. Total opposition to current flow in an A.C. circuit.
  9. 15. At what angle would an incandescent lamp be to the reference phasor.
  10. 20. Another name for a ballast.