Electrical Principles

  1. 3. This is an example of a class 1 lever
  2. 4. The SI unit for mass
  3. 7. First finger shows this in Fleming's rules
  4. 9. The unit for magnetic flux density
  5. 12. Can be fitted to improve power factor
  6. 16. Example of a class 2 lever
  7. 19. The term used for inductive "resistance"
  8. 20. Real power is measured in this
  1. 1. One method resistors could be connected in
  2. 2. The unit for magnetic flux
  3. 5. EMFs are produced in 3 ways, chemical, thermal and ....
  4. 6. Volts divided by amps gives this
  5. 8. A voltmeter is connected ...... a resistor
  6. 10. Finishing speed minus starting speed divided by time
  7. 11. What emf is measured in
  8. 13. Gives a reading of current
  9. 14. What force is measured in
  10. 15. 1 divided by time equals this
  11. 17. An ammeter is connected in ...... in a circuit
  12. 18. The force that keeps our feet on the ground