Electrical Quantities

  1. 2. the charge carriers are ions and electrons
  2. 5. the charge carriers are electrons
  3. 7. ordered motion of electric charge
  4. 8. identified by a plus sign
  5. 9. flows from the negative electrode to the positive electrode of the source
  6. 10. driving influence that causes current to flow
  7. 12. the unit of resistance
  8. 13. quantity of electricity
  9. 15. electrical conductor
  10. 16. identified by a minus sign
  1. 1. opposition to the movement of electrons
  2. 3. unit of current
  3. 4. the charge carriers are ions
  4. 6. unit of voltage
  5. 7. flows from the positive electrode to the negative electrode of the source
  6. 11. unit of electric charge
  7. 14. electrical insulator