Electrical Terms

  1. 2. Unit that indicates frequency
  2. 4. Safety device used to limit the maximum rate of current flow in a circuit
  3. 6. Unit of measure of electrical pressure - force which causes electricity to move through a conductor
  4. 8. Material that readily permits electric current to flow through it
  5. 11. The ability to do work
  6. 13. Electrical circuit which has two or more paths for current to flow (receptacles & lights) - if one becomes defective the circuit will not be broken
  7. 14. Hour Unit of measure for determining power consumption on an hourly basis
  8. 16. The property of being positive or negative
  9. 19. Safety device used to limit maximum rate of current flow in a circuit - when excessive it generates heat which melts this device and opens the circuit
  10. 21. Unit of measure of electrical resistance or electrical friction
  11. 22. An electrical circuit which has only one electrical path to and from the source (fuses, switches, circuit breakers)
  1. 1. Power Rate of producing or using electric energy
  2. 3. The movement of electrons through a conductor
  3. 5. A single instrument which combines the functions of a voltmeter, ammeter, and ohmmeter
  4. 7. Unit of measurement of doing work, generally used to describe the output of electric motors
  5. 9. Type of electricity in which electrons flow in one direction only
  6. 10. Complete electrical path through which electricity may flow
  7. 12. Unit of measure of electrical power
  8. 15. Unit of measure of the rate at which electricity passes through a conductor - maximum safe limits of a device
  9. 17. Electricity in which the direction of electron flow is reversed at regular interval
  10. 18. Material which strongly resists electric current; blocks the flow of electrons
  11. 20. Circuit Condition that provides undesired path for electrical current
  12. 21. Circuit Condition that provides no path for electrical current