electrical terms

  1. 3. Overhead or underground power lines that carry electricity through cities and neighborhoods to your home or business.
  2. 4. The movement or flow of electricity through a conductor.
  3. 5. A substance or material that allows electrons, or electrical current, to flow through it.
  4. 9. a substance in which electrical charge carriers move easily from atom to atom with the application of voltage
  5. 11. A negatively charged particle that orbits the nucleus of an atom. The flow of electrons produces electricity.
  6. 12. Electricity generated by flowing water making a turbine spin.
  7. 13. Electricity produced by a surplus or a shortage of electrons in an object.
  8. 14. A unit for measuring electrical energy.
  9. 15. The ability to do work. Energy = Power x Time
  1. 1. The splitting apart of an atom’s nucleus, releasing heat energy.
  2. 2. Any material that will not allow electricity to easily flow through.
  3. 6. current- Electric current flowing in only one direction
  4. 7. A power system's layout of its substations and power lines.
  5. 8. connect electric equipment to the alternating current power supply in buildings and at other sites.
  6. 10. The path followed by a flow of electric current.
  7. 11. The flow of electrons.