Electrical Vocabulary

  1. 1. that which is built or constructed
  2. 4. a complete lighting unit
  3. 7. a contact device
  4. 8. publisher of the code book
  5. 10. used to connect multiple wires to a device
  6. 12. a structure that stands alone
  7. 13. operation of equipment in excess of normal full load rating
  8. 14. brand for NM-B cable
  9. 15. device used to secure cable to wood framing members
  10. 16. possible hazard of electrical work
  1. 1. method used to join conductors
  2. 2. possible hazard of electrical work
  3. 3. conductors & equipment connecting the service utility to the wire system of a premise
  4. 5. code book used in the electrical trade
  5. 6. electrically connected to
  6. 9. acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction
  7. 11. an enclosed channel for holding wires