Electrical Wiring

  1. 6. name for tool that removes insulation from wire
  2. 10. pliers essential for everyone doing electrical installations
  3. 11. wires that carry current
  4. 13. neutral wire color
  5. 14. ground wire color (or bare)
  6. 17. allow convenient connection for electricity needs throughout a structure
  7. 18. acronym for device that protects in bathrooms, kitchens, garages, etc..
  8. 20. conductors bringing power into a structure
  1. 1. long metal or fiberglass tool for pulling wires through fiberglass (2wds)
  2. 2. type of wire we are using in our walls
  3. 3. device that can increase or decrease voltage and current
  4. 4. connects the bare ends of wires together (2wds)
  5. 5. hot wire color
  6. 7. controls the flow of electricity to a light or other device
  7. 8. device using the electricity
  8. 9. flow of electrons
  9. 12. minimum requirements for construction
  10. 15. holds wire to studs
  11. 16. current type that flows back and forth
  12. 19. path through which current flows