
  1. 4. Every part of a closed circuit must be made of this (9)
  2. 7. This lights when electricity passes through (4)
  3. 9. The unit of electric current (6)
  4. 11. The direction of current is shown by marking an arrow from the positive terminal of the cell to the negative terminal of the cell (12)
  5. 13. Something which lets electricity through (9)
  6. 14. The type of circuit where bulbs are next to each other (6)
  7. 17. This pushes electric current round a circuit (7)
  8. 18. In this type of circuit, all appliances work together (6)
  9. 19. Type of circuit where removing one lamp leaves the other one on (8)
  10. 20. two or more cells working together (7)
  1. 1. something that does not conduct electricity (9)
  2. 2. The path through which electrons flow (7)
  3. 3. An electric circuit is this if there is an insulator in its path (4)
  4. 5. A device for controlling current. It can be off or on (6)
  5. 6. For current to flow, the circuit must be _________(8)
  6. 8. This measures the current in a circuit (7)
  7. 10. This is an example of a conductor starting with 'C' (6)
  8. 12. This is an example of an insulator starting with 'G' (5)
  9. 13. In a torch we use this as a source of electricity (4)
  10. 15. Type of material like copper which conducts electricity (5)
  11. 16. In this type of circuit, all appliances work independently (8)