
  1. 3. uninterrupted direct current; polarity varies
  2. 5. the number of electrical pulses delivered to the body in one second.
  3. 7. another word for light therapy
  4. 11. dc to ac
  5. 12. Interruptor, interrupts power if there is contact with water
  6. 13. transfers electricity by an oscillating magnetic field that connects two or more electrical circuits.
  7. 14. unit of electrical resistance
  8. 15. DC, direct current with one polarity, it Varys in intensity and waveforms
  9. 16. electricity being used
  10. 17. unit of electrical strength
  1. 1. stores an electrical charge
  2. 2. light, what lights can humans see?
  3. 4. current, interrupted direct current that visibly stimulates muscles
  4. 6. changes AC to DC
  5. 8. controls speed of motors
  6. 9. unit of electrical pressure
  7. 10. what is frequency measured in