
  1. 2. a circuit that is connected to the battery with one wire
  2. 4. a circuit that is connected to the battery separately
  3. 9. electrons in the form of energy in a closed pathway
  4. 13. an electrical charge that is trapped in an object
  5. 14. when the current flows along a different path then intended
  6. 17. a resistor according to the temperature
  7. 19. charged particles are able to move in this material
  8. 21. a temperature reliant resistor
  9. 22. the flow of electrical charge in a circuit
  1. 1. electrical energy that is prevented movement from a substance
  2. 3. a resistor where the amount of electricity is dependent on the amount of light it is exposed to
  3. 5. a resistor that according to light changes it's resistance
  4. 6. when something uses chemical reaction into electrical energy
  5. 7. converts AC to DC
  6. 8. subatomic particles create a positive and negative charge that result in electrical energy
  7. 10. LED
  8. 11. An electrical circuit that is represented in a diagrammatic way
  9. 12. when electrons move through a conductor towards a positive charge
  10. 15. it conducts electrcity in one form and insulates electrical energy
  11. 16. something that uses a chemical to produce electrical energy such as a battery
  12. 18. charged particles can not move through this material
  13. 20. a potetial difference measured in volts