Electromagnetic Radiation

  1. 4. number of waves that pass a fixed point
  2. 6. used for satellite communication
  3. 8. type of light the human eye cannot see
  4. 10. electromagnetic waves transmit
  5. 11. used to see inside the body and view bones
  6. 12. segment that can be seen by human eye
  7. 13. spectrum describes all kinds of it
  8. 16. highest frequency of waves on the spectrum
  9. 18. lowest frequency of waves on the spectrum
  10. 19. detected by heat
  11. 20. distance between crest of a wave
  1. 1. transmission of energy in the form of waves
  2. 2. amount of different types of waves
  3. 3. radiation comes from the sun
  4. 5. measures the visible light
  5. 7. used for suntanning
  6. 9. how fast do waves travel
  7. 14. used in remote controls
  8. 15. abbreviation for electromagnetic radiation
  9. 17. color from the visible light spectrum