Electromagnetic Radiation

  1. 4. the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave
  2. 7. confusion of a received radio signal due to the presence of noise (such as atmospherics) or signals from two or more transmitters on a single frequency
  3. 9. a telescope in which a mirror is used to collect and focus light
  4. 10. a type of optical telescope that uses a lens as its objective to form an image
  5. 11. the process or action by which one thing absorbs or is absorbed by another.
  1. 1. In geometric optics, a deviation from rectilinear projection; a projection in which straight lines in a scene remain straight in an image.
  2. 2. the distance between two corresponding points on a wave
  3. 3. They have the shortest wavelengths and highest energy of any wave in the electromagnetic spectrum.
  4. 5. the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.
  5. 6. someone who uses the principles of physics to study the solar system, stars, galaxies, and the universe
  6. 8. change in direction of propagation of any wave as a result of its traveling at different speeds at different points along the wave front.
  7. 12. a band of colors, as seen in a rainbow, produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction according to wavelength.