Electromagnetic Radiation

  1. 1. 1 cycle / second
  2. 3. Voltage is analogous to ____
  3. 5. The shortest wavelengths we know about are the size of the nucleus of an __
  4. 7. What kind of field tells us which way charges get pushed
  5. 10. All electromagnetic energy is created by
  6. 13. What are the shortest radio waves?
  7. 14. What kind of ray is the most energetic form of E-M energy?
  8. 16. My teacher calls himself
  9. 17. Visible light photons have about how many electron volts?
  10. 18. What field is the result of a change in an electric field
  11. 19. Cosmic rays are ___
  1. 2. The longest wavelengths we know about are somewhat larger than the ___
  2. 4. What starts at the end of the visible spectrum?
  3. 6. velocity of light / wavelength
  4. 8. What kind of waves are good for identifying atoms with a spectograph?
  5. 9. In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves travel at the same ____
  6. 11. If we want to look at molecules, we use ___
  7. 12. The first person to investigate the question the velocity of light
  8. 15. 1 million cycles / second