  1. 2. -----------of light is 300000000 m/s
  2. 4. symbol of wavelength
  3. 5. form of energy
  4. 7. Converging lens
  5. 8. Bending of light in the boundary of 2 media
  6. 10. Used in scanning dense body parts like bones
  7. 11. has longest wavelength in Visible light
  8. 12. angle of incidence= angle of--------------
  9. 13. Biologically harmful radiation
  10. 15. produces heating effect
  1. 1. Discovered Xrays
  2. 3. Used for communication and transmission
  3. 6. rainbow colours
  4. 8. Discovered by Marie Curie
  5. 9. Divergent lens
  6. 14. Frequency of waves is measured in-------