Electromagnetic Radiation

  1. 2. Microwave ovens work by energizing _________ molecules.
  2. 5. Most of the sun's energy is in this portion of the spectrum.
  3. 6. All forms of radiation carry __________.
  4. 8. Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.
  5. 10. Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this.
  6. 11. Infrared cameras can be used for _________ vision.
  7. 13. Microwaves are used to create ____________ radar.
  8. 14. How do all forms of radiation travel?
  1. 1. This color of visible light is the most easily scattered.
  2. 2. Radio waves have the longest _______________.
  3. 3. Medical equipment is sterilized using this type of energy.
  4. 4. Gamma rays have the highest ______________.
  5. 7. These animals can detect flowers using ultraviolet sight.
  6. 9. This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.
  7. 12. This type of radiation is targeted to kill cancer cells.
  8. 13. This color of light contains all the colors.