Electromagnetic Spectrum

  1. 5. Cyan, yellow and magenta are ______ colours of light
  2. 8. A high-energy electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate materials
  3. 11. The _________ spectrum the range of colours that can be seen by the eye (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet)
  4. 12. The maximum distance a wave extends beyond its middle position
  5. 13. A type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from fractions of a millimetre to tens of centimetres, used in communication and cooking
  6. 15. Electromagnetic _______ - the entire range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, from high-energy gamma rays to low-energy radio waves
  7. 17. A type of electromagnetic radiation with energies just above those of visible light, contained in sunlight
  8. 19. Electromagnetic _________- a range of electromagnetic waves consisting of oscillating electric and magnetic fields travelling at the speed of light
  1. 1. Wave _______ - the transfer of energy without transferring matter
  2. 2. A type of extremely high-energy electromagnetic radiation emitted by radioactive materials
  3. 3. ______ internet (Wi-Fi): a method of transmitting an internet signal using radio waves
  4. 4. A type of electromagnetic radiation with energies just below those of visible light, detected by our skin as heat
  5. 6. splitting of white light into separate colours
  6. 7. Electromagnetic radiation that is travelling in a single plane
  7. 9. Red, green and blue are _______ colours of light
  8. 10. The interaction of light with particles in the atmosphere, depending on colour and frequency of the light
  9. 14. ________ fibre - a narrow tube of glass or plastic used to transmit pulses of light
  10. 16. A type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from less than a centimetre to hundreds of kilometres, used in communication
  11. 18. A transparent material that allows light of a particular colour to pass through