electromagnetic spectrum

  1. 3. this type of material absorbs or reflects all of the light that strikes it
  2. 5. this type of field exerts forces on charged particles
  3. 6. all electromagnetic waves have the same _______________
  4. 8. electromagnetic radiation sometimes behaves like a ______________
  5. 12. these electromagnetic waves are used as a source of heat
  6. 13. this type of material scatters light
  7. 15. this will decrease as photons travel further from a light source
  8. 16. this color has the second highest frequency on the visible spectrum
  9. 18. these electromagnetic waves cause sunburn
  10. 20. this type of electromagnetic wave covers the greatest amount of the electromagnetic spectrum
  11. 21. these rays have the greatest amount of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum
  12. 22. this color has the second longest wavelength on the visible spectrum
  13. 23. FM radio stations have a varying ________________
  14. 27. electromagnetic radiation sometimes behaves like a ______________
  15. 29. the process of redirecting light as it passes through a medium
  16. 30. this color has the frequency of 5.3 - 6.0 x10^14 Hz
  17. 31. this occurs when light wave bends as it passes from one medium to another
  1. 1. this type of reflection occurs when the light waves reflect in many different directions
  2. 2. these waves have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency on the visible spectrum
  3. 4. AM radio stations have a varying ________________
  4. 7. these waves consist of changing electric and magnetic fields
  5. 9. this type of light wave allows us see
  6. 10. the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic _______________
  7. 11. this color has the longest wavelength and shortest frequency in the visible spectrum
  8. 14. this type of light vibrates in only one plane
  9. 17. this type of field produces magnetic forces
  10. 19. this type of material allows light to pass through it clearly
  11. 24. electromagnetic waves vary in both frequency and ______________
  12. 25. this color has a wavelength from 570 - 590 nm
  13. 26. these electromagnetic waves are used to detect brakes in bones
  14. 28. this type of reflection occurs when the light waves all reflect in the same direction