Electromagnetic Spectrum

  1. 2. the number of wave crests that pass through during a certain amount of time
  2. 4. the smallest type of wave on the EMS
  3. 7. visible colour with the largest wavelength
  4. 8. waves with ______ ______ are less harmful to humans
  5. 10. waves with ______ ______ are harmful to humans
  6. 14. this wave is used for satellites and cell phones
  7. 15. ______ wavelengths=higher frequency
  8. 18. light rays are absorbed
  9. 20. invisible to the human eye but we can feel it as heat and it has a wavelength just larger than red
  10. 21. light rays are bent
  11. 22. unit used to measure frequency
  1. 1. the distance between two crests or troughs on a wave
  2. 3. invisible to the human eye that has a wavelength just smaller than violet
  3. 5. a blend of all the colours on the visible light spectrum
  4. 6. light rays bounce back
  5. 9. the highest point above the resting line of the wave
  6. 11. visible colour with the smallest wavelength
  7. 12. light travels through without being scattered, absorbed or reflected
  8. 13. the height of the wave from the resting point to the crest or trough
  9. 16. _______ wavelengths=lower frequency
  10. 17. this wave is used in the medical field to look at images inside the body
  11. 19. the largest type of wave on the EMS
  12. 21. acronym used to remember visible colours on the electromagnetic spectrum