Electromagnetic Spectrum

  1. 5. used for long-distance communication, cell phone
  2. 6. wavelengths humans can see
  3. 8. wave used to heat food quickly
  4. 10. unit for frequency
  5. 12. amount of energy carried by a wave
  6. 13. number of times a wave passes a point in one sec
  7. 14. low point of a wave
  1. 1. high energy wave, used in tanning beds
  2. 2. disturbance transported through a medium
  3. 3. distance between crests or troughs
  4. 4. high energy wave, short wavelength, used to see bone
  5. 7. shortest wavelength, used to treat cancer
  6. 9. lower frequency than visible light, tv remote
  7. 11. peak of a wave