Electronic Work Shop

  1. 1. Color code for Neutral Supply
  2. 3. Transformer with 3 output leads
  3. 7. Variable Capacitor
  4. 8. Circuits may be tested without soldering using ______ Board
  5. 9. ________ is used to view electrical waveforms
  6. 11. 7812 is Voltage regulator for + _________ volts
  7. 12. Precise variable resistor mounted on PCB
  8. 13. Silver ring side of PN Diode
  9. 15. Color code for Earth
  10. 17. Switches are connected in _________ with Phase
  1. 1. ___________ rectifier uses 4 Diodes
  2. 2. Soldering wire has Tin and __________
  3. 3. Printed _________ Board
  4. 4. Voltmeter is connected in __________ with circuit element
  5. 5. __________ ring on resistor denotes 5% tolerance
  6. 6. Multimeter give ________ value of voltage
  7. 10. FeCl3 is used for __________ of PCB
  8. 13. PCB has a layer of _______ on Bakelite sheet
  9. 14. Frequency of DC
  10. 16. Color code for Phase supply