Electronics and Apps

  1. 1. Is from Apple, and is like a Phone but is bigger.
  2. 3. Is from Apple and is a Phone
  3. 5. A block game, main character is "Steve" and "Alex"
  4. 6. (This one is from McBooties) McDonalds shake, was made because of a purple character, his birthday was this summer, the shake is purple.
  5. 7. Carolina has a laptop with this brand
  6. 8. A battle royale game that is now for sweaty gamers
  1. 2. Each classroom has this board, (brand name)
  2. 4. Used to charge up computers, phones, tablets and etc.
  3. 5. A big company owned by Bill Gates
  4. 9. A pretty underrated game, this game nowadays is mostly for kids