Electronics I Lab Crossowrd

  1. 4. Lab 1 of the year is the Equipment and Lab *************** lab.
  2. 5. The ************* accounts for 8% of the final grade
  3. 6. ******** can be set up to activate buses under specified circumstances
  4. 9. Credit for attendance is always due the ******* after that specific lecture.
  5. 12. A common misconception people have is whether or not to wear ****** when soldering
  6. 13. When designing a graph in MATLAB, the *********** variable should be on the X-axis.
  7. 16. Prior to a lab proficiency evaluation and as part of each pre-lab, all circuits should be built and simulated using ********
  8. 18. The axes of all graphs should be labeled with their ***** of measurement
  9. 20. The signal on the SPI bus that sends data into a slave from the master
  10. 22. per the changes made as of spring 2021, this section is now done in the condensed format labs
  11. 24. If someone is unconscious in the lab, check to see that they have not suffered *************
  12. 28. Lab notebook entries must be read by a ******* who signed and dated the page
  13. 31. Notebooks are almost always ******** written and can be tracked by a simple handwritten system.
  14. 32. In order to measure *******, the multimeter must be set in parallel with the desired range
  15. 34. ****** on the Analog Discovery allows you to view the relationship between two variables in your circuit
  16. 36. The denominator of the % difference equation is the ********** value.
  17. 38. In the labs, only **** free solder is ever allowed
  18. 40. Pictures should be taken of the ********** setup of each circuit in a lab
  19. 42. A ***** needs to be created on MATLAB to run a function
  20. 43. Unlike other circuitry software such as Altium or OrCad multisim allows the user to not only build circuits but ******** them as well
  21. 44. The signal on the SPI bus that acts as an enable for the rest of the bus.
  22. 45. There are sources in the Lab requirements manual for ****** textbooks, videos, and even oneself
  23. 46. ***** mode on the oscilloscope allows you to see the time location of the trigger within the acquisition as a percentage.
  24. 47. Press B1 or B2 on the oscilloscope to begin setting up a ***
  25. 48. In order to measure *******, the multimeter must be set in series with the desired range
  1. 1. The analog discovery has a ********* setting that allows the user to get numerical value representations of their oscilloscope measurements
  2. 2. The ***** ohm load impedance setting is to keep output signals from exceeding 10 V
  3. 3. Matlab unlike the large majority of coding languages, begins an array with the ***** of 1.
  4. 4. In order to stay safe in a COVID-19 environment all students must wear this in the lab area
  5. 7. Emails must contain in the subject line the class name, class number and ******* number
  6. 8. All circuit calculations must be done with the measured component values as opposed to the ******* ones.
  7. 10. ************ of notebooks is strictly limited to protect the integrity of proprietary information
  8. 11. All oscilloscope screen capture submissions in lab reports shall contain the oscilloscope ************ as well as the date and time the screenshot was taken.
  9. 14. This allows one to have a network analyzer and spectrum analyzer in a small and portable device
  10. 15. The lab proficiency test can be considered analogous to this
  11. 17. The first button to press when defining the center frequency and the span is labeled ********
  12. 19. The benchtop Keithley power supply allows for ***** connections
  13. 21. The analog discovery has 2 ************* channels to view the signal across a portion of a circuit
  14. 23. Sources in any report must be cited in APA, MLA or ****
  15. 25. Labs 1, 3, and 6 are done in a ********* format
  16. 26. When taking pictures of the circuits for a lab, the ********* must be showing in the picture
  17. 27. The signal on the SPI bus that sends data into the master from one of the slaves
  18. 29. The signal on the SPI bus that clocks the other signals
  19. 30. Keeping a notebook makes it easier to not run into issues with ********** since all data is documented and dated.
  20. 33. This is an alternative to a lab notebook that is comprised of a synopsis of each day's work
  21. 35. A *********** can be used to store all graphs and data recorded on devices such as the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer.
  22. 37. MATLAB Graphs can be made using a MATLAB ******
  23. 39. This coding language is especially relevant for different circuit applications such as linear algebra, phase plotting, complex math, etc.
  24. 41. Gain is often measured in ******** to make graphs that often are exponential more linear and easier to analyze.
  25. 43. At the bottom of each page in the lab notebook should be the author's *********
  26. 49. The number of fuses in the Keithley power supply